Photo 343 - August 31
I wonder how I would react if one of my parents required full-time care. When my dad was homebound, I did my part and went over and helped with his lunch and making sure he had his afternoon medication, but he was pretty mobile, and could take care of his basic needs without me, if need be. Cindy is my boss, and I've been priviledged this week to be allowed to watch her with her mom. Audrey is an Alzheimer's patient, who also had a stroke almost a year and a half ago. She cannot feed herself, or bathe herself, or take care of any of her basic needs, but her family keeps her at home, so she can be in familiar surroundings, where she seems to be thriving, as patients like her do not usually do as well as she is. Cindy volunteered to keep her mom at her own house, since her dad was going to be out of town for the week with his siblings, and there would be nobody at their house to keep track of her. I hope if that time ever comes, that I can be as patient and loving as Cindy is with her mom. I feel blessed to have been able to share this week with them.