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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter at the zoo

Photo 365 + 189 - March 31

After two rousing renditions of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus at church, plus the retrieval of Kenny from the airport, it was on to the San Diego Zoo. The weather was beautiful (especially considering it was snowing back home) and we had a great time.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

On the balcony

Photo 365 + 188 - March 30

There is the most awesome balcony at Kayla's - almost the size equivalent of another room. And with the wonderful weather, it becomes a great place for the kids to play. We took some time to enjoy the sunshine!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Girls, girls, girls...

Photo 365 + 187 - March 29

And I could take pictures of them all day long...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Out and about

Photo 365 + 186 - March 28

So let's start with Kayla's baby birds. A momma mourning dove has a nest somewhere close to Kayla's balcony, and has taken to dive bombing anybody who's is in their proximity whenever she is around and not out getting food for the noisy babies.

And today included a little bit of sightseeing in San Diego. Dale's never been here, so we did a foot tour of the waterfront, and enjoyed the day!

And just to prove that I was here too...thanks for taking the picture, Kayla!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time with the girls

Photo 365 + 185 - March 27

Since Kenny is off visiting with his mother, right now our time is spent with the girls (and their mom and dad, of course). Even though we saw them in November, I am amazed at how much they're grown. Time just goes along too fast.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's time!

Photo 365 + 184 - March 26

We're almost to the airport! Which means the next few days will allow so many good photo opportunities. So much to be excited for!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Packin' Up

Photo 365 + 183 - March 25

In less than 24 hours we will be on our way! A little reprieve from the snow and a very anticipated visit with Kayla, Kenn and the kids. Still have 6 bottles of Spotted Cow to fit in here.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

God's Gift

Photo 365 + 182 - March 24

Today we were happy to welcome into our church family Aiden Jeffrey. His family has been a very special part of our lives, and we were happy to be able to share this special time with them.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lots of sprouts

Photo 365 + 181 - March 23

There is lots of sprouting going on in my gardens. Unfortunately it doesn't look terribly healthy right now. And a lot of what is coming up is making a delicious meal for the local rabbits. And I thought having a dog might deter them...I guess not.

Friday, March 22, 2013

They're Back!

Photo 365 + 180 - March 22

Regardless of what the weather is saying, the return of the robins is always a sure sign that spring is on the way. I kind of feel sorry for them, though, trying to make their way through all that snow still on the ground.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

And it's a ... ?

Photo 365 + 179 - March 21

Tonight I got to shoot pictures with one of my very favorite families. Sheila wanted something for her "reveal" since they just found out whether they are adding a new boy or girl to their growing family. I typically would not convert these to black and white, but there's a lot of color in the pictures to let family know what to expect, and the reveal isn't until after Easter. I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out - can't wait to hear what the family thinks!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lyin' Stinkin' Ground Hog!

Photo 365 + 178 - March 20

And I'm not the first one who is not happy with that ground hog. I hear there's at least one lawsuit pending, too. Happy first day of spring! At least there's someone who's enjoying it.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Way to go!!

Photo 365 + 177 - March 19

Congratulations, Dale - Saukville's National Guardsman of the Year! He's been told he is also the Guardsman of the Year for the county, and his package will continue to make its way up the food chain. I'm so proud of him!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Growing up?

Photo 365 + 176 - March 18

No - they're not actually growing up out of the ground. What you can't see is my car above them - where they fell off and stuck in the snow.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Photo 365 + 175 - March 17

Cake and pizza party! Happy birthday, Mom!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Garden Planning

Photo 365 + 174 - March 16

It may not look like spring outside, but it's time to start getting ready for the warmer weather. I'm hoping we get a little more rain this year so my beans actually grow.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bagful of triangles...

Photo 365 + 173 - March 15

In my free time, I've been working on my scrap afghan. The triangles are almost done - or at least ready for their last row of white yarn and then time to sew them together.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Go back where you came from! (at least for a little while...)

Photo 365 + 172 - March 14

The daffodils are coming up, and the color of them right now is painfully unhealthy. This spring definitely isn't last spring, when it was as warm in Wisconsin as it was while I was with Dale in Hawaii. It's really too bad I can't coax them back into the ground - I think they'd be a lot healthier (and happier) being down there a little bit longer.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My soldier

Photo 365 + 171 - March 13

As I got all of my equipment out to shoot these pictures for Dale, all he could say was, "wow - you have a lot of stuff." Yup - gotta have a lot of stuff to make it turn out right! Dale is nominated for a National Guard award, and needed an updated military photo, so the portable studio moved into the living room. And he's happy with the results, so that's what counts.