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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just an overview...

Photo 365 + 270 - June 30

I wanted to post an overview of part of one of my gardens - this one is actually full of color. It's hard to believe that the delphiniums are taller than I am.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saved from the rabbits...and more fireworks

Photo 365 + 269 - June 29

It's nice to see lillies blooming...they are certainly one of the favorites of the rabbits. It amazes me that they also chew on the rose bushes...I would think the thorns would be a deterrent. The red/orange rose looks like it's glowing...and the salmon roses are just too many to count.

And Grafton had their fireworks display tonight. I've come up with some new camera settings to capture them, and they're working out pretty well so far. I can even hand hold the camera and lose the tripod.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Another award...

Photo 365 + 268 - June 28

Yes, Dale has certainly raked in the awards this year. It sure is nice to see him recognized for his dedication and service. Tonight he was recognized as the winner of the Ozaukee County National Guardsman of the Year.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Photo 365 + 267 - June 27

OK, so it wasn't the prettiest ladybug I've ever seen, but they still hold a special place in my heart.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Big Bang

Photo 365 + 266 - June 26

The opening night of Summerfest offers the Big Bang...and Milwaukee fireworks kind of spoil you for most other fireworks, since it's such a big display. Plus there's nothing like watching them from the water - definitely cuts down on the crowds!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

Yup - more flowers...

Photo 365 + 264 - June 24

The rose bushes in the front yard may not be as full as the ones in the back, but the flowers are just as pretty. Here are some more English roses...and my new pink peony that finally bloomed this year!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Those are some white legs!

Photo 365 + 263 - June 23

I warned him when he posed for this picture that it would be posted to my blog. Just because he doesn't read it doesn't mean that other people won't see it! Keep working on that tan, Jeff - there's a lot of summer left!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Go Rice!

Photo 365 + 262 - June 22

It was inevitable - I have had the stupid iPhone for almost 4 years now. I took it out on the Hobie Cat and didn't ziplock bag it. Funny what a little bit of water can do. Here's hoping for the miracle curing power of a bag of rice.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Rose Lessons

Photo 365 + 261 - June 21

I learned my lessons about roses the hard way - trial and error. What I did find out, is that in Wisconsin, it is best to buy own root roses instead of grafted roses, and these pictures are my best example. The rose in the pictures was a beautiful, hybrid tea rose...on a graft. You can see the big heavy dark green leaves on its stems. Behind it, you can see smaller, lighter green leaves - those actually belong to the root stock that the tea rose was grafted to. So I have both the graft and the root stock roses blooming at the same time...on the same bush.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Up Close...and a little bit of water

Photo 365 + 260 - June 20

I have pictures of the pink peony from last year, and it looks totally different. And it sure is amazing what a difference a few water droplets make.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Dark Lady

Photo 365 + 259 - June 19

One of my Kordes has so many petals it almost doesn't look like a rose. And there are tons of blooms this year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

English Roses

Photo 365 + 258 - June 18

It must be something about the front yard, because the roses out there don't do nearly as well as the ones in the back. These are actually on the back walkway, but they look like they're going to be amazing this year.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Only one

Photo 365 + 257 - June 17

The purple Siberian irises in the back yard are full of blooms, but the poor white ones in the front aren't quite as full, and I only have the one lone iris blooming. Sure is pretty, though.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Photo 365 + 266 - June 16

Father's Day, and of course Dale wanted to spend it out on the lake - at least after the Army gave him part of the day off.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Congratulations Jannette and Allen!

Photo 365 + 265 - June 15

The day itself turned out to be beautiful, although a little bit humid. The rain held off until later at night. The sunshine in the church provided quite a challenge for shooting pictures during the ceremony, but between Laura and I there are about 1500 pictures to sort through. I'm hoping I can provide a good selection to the bride and groom.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The rehearsal

Photo 365 + 264 - June 14

The bride looks happy and ready to go. The photographer and the wedding party are getting the last minute instructions. Hopefully tomorrow will go well!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The grosbeak

Photo 365 + 263 - June 13

It's always nice when we get more of a unique bird at the feeder. Today it was the rose breasted grosbeak.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Practicing with the flash

Photo 365 + 262 - June 12

I'm gearing up the nerves for the wedding this weekend, and today I put some serious time into studying the flash manual and practicing bouncing it around. I'm pretty happy with the results. It is recycling quickly and I even bounced it so Trinka doesn't have the possessed look in her eyes.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My new lizard

Photo 365 + 261 - June 11

This lizard has taken up residency right next to the gate.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Photo 365 + 260 - June 10

I'm still trying to figure out the correct pronunciation of this one. It's technically a bush, but when it flowers it's absolutely gorgeous.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Not done yet...

Photo 365 + 259 - June 9

I figured I'd sneak in one more picture of the peonies before they lose their petals. I love having my flowers blooming!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The end of the peonies and out on the lake

Photo 365 + 258 - June 8

Lots of sunshine today! It looked beautiful through the peonies, and the sunset on the lake was breathtaking. Heather's fish was the day's bonus.

Friday, June 7, 2013

On the big pond

Photo 365 + 257 - June 7

Tonight the Hobie Cat had its maiden voyage out on Lake Michigan. Except for the water being a little cold, it was a great ride. We hand carried it in, and decided it was a little heavy so brought it into the boat launch to take it out. Dale's boat looks pretty huge from right down on the water.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

True sentiment

Photo 365 + 256 - June 6

My brother gave me this a long time ago, and I've always loved the sentiment. It has been prominently displayed everywhere I've lived since he gave it to me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ready for the elements

Photo 365 + 255 - June 5

I love getting new things to put in my gardens, but I'm always afraid the weather is going to take its toll, and I am so bad at spraying them with some king of clear coat so they end of never making it into the gardens. I've made it a mission to be better at it. So the lizards (mine and Laura's) are sprayed and ready to go.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Who's crossing?

Photo 365 + 254 - June 4

Yup, it's a turtle crossing. I haven't had to stop for any yet, but I'll keep watching.