Photo 365 + 301 - July 31
I take at least a dozen pictures with the macro lens hoping for one good one. Today's effort...
Photo 365 + 301 - July 31
I take at least a dozen pictures with the macro lens hoping for one good one. Today's effort...
Photo 365 + 299 - July 29
Although whoever visits will enjoy the newfound air circulation going into the guest room, my motivation to have Dale get the ceiling fan installed now was Kenn and Kayla's upcoming visit. Heather tells me regularly that she will come over and sabotage my furnace so Dale and I can finally get that air conditioning installed. But there still is none, so the fan will keep Kenn a little more comfortable while they're visiting. Kayla, though - you better find another blanket!
Photo 365 + 298 - July 28
My goal every year at Fish Day is to find something new for my gardens. This year the pickings were a little slim, but I was still happy with my newfound treasure. It's taller than the picture gives it credit for, too.
Photo 365 + 297 - July 27
Trinka will carry a rolled up rawhide around for a week before she decides to actually chew on it. But flip chips? Give those about 5 minutes.
Photo 365 + 296 - July 26
And this hibiscus isn't even off my existing plants - it's off the brand new one I got this season and put in the ground right before we headed to Florida. One of the pink ones is getting buds, and I am sad that my giant plant has only marginally returned. We also got some much needed rain. I hate the dreariness, but it's less watering that I have to do.
Photo 365 + 295 - July 25
I have a healthy crop of these growing in the front yard by the arbor, but I can't remember what they are! They did quite a nice job spreading out...almost to the point of looking like they want to take over. They might be another plant that I get to share with my friends.
Photo 365 + 294 - July 24
These are blooming next to the walkway coming up to the back door, and they have that familiar spicy smell of Stargazers. It's a great welcome home.
Photo 365 + 293 - July 23
Thanks, Mom, Fred and Betty for the new addition to the kitchen. All that's missing is a little cleaning up, and the kitchen will have a new table and chairs. And I love the carving on the back of the chairs!
Photo 365 + 292 - July 22
Nope - not the kind you eat - it's one of my coneflowers. Even Dale commented on how much he liked the color.
Photo 365 + 291 - July 21
Today was Trinka's first trip out on the sailboat. She wasn't at all sure what to do, and kept trying to step off the trampoline onto the pontoon. By the time we got back into shore she was more than happy to hang out in the car and wait for us to put everything away.
Photo 365 + 290 - July 20
And the party's over...another successful Fish Day! And the rods are ready to go out first thing in the morning for Dale's 5:00 a.m. charter. He is going to be one tired boy by the end of the day.
Photo 365 + 289 - July 19
My miniature roses haven't done as well as I would have liked. But these have come back for the last few years. They're very cute - not much bigger than a half dollar, and hiding underneath some other plants. The lilies look like tiger lilies without the spots. They're just not orange enough either. But they do that unique hanging down thing that my tiger lilies do.
Photo 365 + 287 - July 17
I know that it's just too hot outside when Trinka lays next to her food bowl to eat her breakfast. Here's hoping a little bit of relief comes for her soon.
Photo 365 + 286 - July 16
The sun coming through the clouds was awesome tonight - a true silver lining. My roses are still blooming strong, and I have coneflowers blooming without petals. That one I'll have to look into.
Photo 365 + 285 - July 15
These stalks are almost as tall as I'm glad they're still standing upright!
Photo 365 + 284 - July 14
This bush was already here when we moved into this house in 1991, and it has been blooming ever since then. This year it's covered in blossoms.
Photo 365 + 283 - July 13
I knew things would grow when I was gone, but I wasn't quite ready for all of this.
Photo 365 + 282 - July 12
Liz had told me that Edyn was quite a water baby, but today was her first day at the beach. We took advantage and took lots of pictures, and then followed that up with some more at the house. Vacations are nice but I think I'm ready for my own bed!
Photo 365 + 281 - July 11
And there they are...saving the world...or at least telling themselves that they are.
Photo 365 + 280 - July 10
Edyn has that wild hair that really doesn't like to lie down. And she's started figuring out that I'm behind that camera and starts coming for me when I'm shooting.
Photo 365 + 279 - July 9
You don't leave anything alone for any length of time, or Edyn has it and is running off with it. She has become my big photography helper, and my lens cap is gone as soon as I set it down.
Photo 365 + 278 - July 8
Liz is not a fan of picture taking, so I'm always happy when she lets me snap a few.
Photo 365 + 277 - July 7
Yes, we are definitely enjoying our time here with the kids. I'm sure the week will go by way too fast.
Thanks for grabbing the camera, James!