2 Years + Photo 260 - June 30
Having fun catching up for a few days before Mommy heads for Hawaii!
2 Years + Photo 259 - June 29
I made the investment of my first full-frame camera - a Canon 6D. Besides getting the wifi set up, I'm hoping the learning curve isn't too huge. I have some great subjects to practice on!
After - edited in Lightroom
2 Years + Photo 258 - June 28
I made it! And this is the beginning of what should be a fun week and a half, and an opportunity for Kayla and Kenn to have some much deserved time together.
2 Years + Photo 257 - June 27
Cindy had some grapes that didn't last as long as she wanted, so they went out to the feeder. The orioles wasted no time in helping themselves.
After - edited in Lightroom
2 Years + Photo 256 - June 26
In the couple years since I've planted them, the David Austin roses have thrived, especially in the garden along the walkway to the house. Must be the right combination.
2 Years + 255 - June 25
Tonight was supposed to be the Big Bang fireworks down at Summerfest, but the weather put them on hold until later this week. So instead, we went for a sunset cruise with Mom and Fred.
2 Years + Photo 253 - June 23
Soon it will be open...in case there's a question - it's a coneflower.
2 Years + Photo 252 - June 22
He may be huge, but he is so well behaved. Just hanging out waiting for Troy to come.
2 Years + Photo 251 - June 21
We had the pleasure of keeping an eye on our nephew Troy's service dog, Koda, this weekend, so Troy could go to a friend's wedding. Trinka wasn't sure what to do with him. And he's still quite the puppy, so he was really interested in getting her to play with him.
2 Years + Photo 248 - June 18
The rain came down so hard this morning that it came gushing through the landscaping blocks. It's definitely time for it to dry up.
And I was pretty excited to find out that one of the new coneflowers I bought had two different colors in the same pot. Kind of a 2 for 1 deal without having to pay for it!
2 Years + Photo 247 - June 17
I love foxgloves, and have tried numerous times to grow them, but they refuse to come back. They do not seem to have a problem growing wherever they want, though. This one is cozying up to one of my rose bushes.
2 Years + Photo 245 - June 15
I have tried, very unsuccessfully, to kill these roses, but the harder I try, the more they spread out and grow all over the place. They are pretty - just very unruly.
2 Years + Photo 244 - June 14
Although it looks like something edible (and it might be), it's actually a close up of my new daisy.
2 Years + Photo 243 - June 13
I have a picture of this kind of allium on my living room wall, but it's fun to photograph it again.
2 Years + Photo 242 - June 12
I am tired of the rain, but happy for the beautiful photo opportunities it allows.
And these are Cindy's fuscias - love them!
2 Years + Photo 241 - June 11
They're even pretty in the rain.
After - edited in Topaz Simplify
2 Years + Photo 240 - June 10
And they are really big babies - bigger than Mom, who they are constantly yelling at for food.
2 Years + Photo 239 - June 9
I love the blooms on the ajuga, but it is creeping all over the garden. I'm good with that, until it starts choking out other things.
2 Years + 237 - June 7
Many years ago Dale's mom gave me her peony bush, and it has thrived on the corner where it was planted. It is loaded with flowers again this year.
2 Years + Photo 236 - June 6
The way the sunshine comes through my stained glass heart tells me I need to find a way to incorporate more stained glass into my house.
2 Years + Photo 235 - June 5
Say hello to the Gray Catbird - this is a new one for us this year. I actually identified him by the red patch of feathers he has under his tail.
2 Years + Photo 234 - June 4
I didn't even take his picture for the mess all over his beak - I really love the pattern in the feathers on his wings.
And this is one of my new day lillies. They have come so far from the obnoxious ones that were planted all around the house when we moved in. It took me a long time to be able to plant them again.
2 Years + Photo 233 - June 3
And I add in new varieties any time I can find them. I think they're starting to cross pollinate, because I'm getting some new color combinations.
2 Years + Photo 231 - June 1
Congratulates, Joey - you made it! And now it' time to embark on a brand new chapter of your life. We wish you much success!