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Monday, December 26, 2011

Breakfast in California

Photo 94 - December 26

I woke up to the smiling face of Josephine this morning, and as soon as she and I started talking, I had a semi-awake Kenny climbing into bed with me too. It was a great wake up. Unfortunately, I only got to see Kenny for a little while, because he flew out to Virginia this afternoon to spend some time with his mother. This is a post-breakfast picture, complete with milk mustache and missing tooth. I think Josephine inherited the wild-haired look from her mother, because her look this morning certainly reminded me of Kayla at her age. I'm sure the week is going to go by way too fast, but it sure is nice to be able to spend some time, since the little ones just don't stay little long enough.

1 comment:

  1. She certainly does look like Kayla. I remember her hair. LOL
