Photo 218 - April 28
My dad was a building inspector, and when we put down our offer on this house, he did a home inspection for us, so we had a general idea of what things would need to be fixed, and to be sure everything was sound. There were some minor things that needed to be fixed before we finalized everything, and he got a chuckle out of some of the "do-it-yourself" fixes that they did. His biggest laugh was probably the string of #10 cans that goes through our basement, connected by duct tape, which was their makeshift cold air returns. In our bedroom, they had decided that extra insulation was necessary, and put up 1" styrofoam on the south and east walls (not sure why you would need extra insulation on the south wall, but that's just me). In order to accommodate this, they had pulled the outlets out of the wall, and renailed them into the studs. After flipping just about every circuit in the box (of course the one I needed was the one that wasn't marked), I was able to turn off the power, remove the nails they had them attached with, and reposition them into the sockets. Notice the lovely job they did in making them fit. The drywall needs to be replaced, but since both outlets will be pretty hidden from view, that will be a project for another day. I am very excited to say that my door has trim! Well it has trim on the inside - the hallway trim is still a project in the works.