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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Photo 208 - April 18

I was very excited this morning to find the nest that had been built inside my clematis bush full of a bird, and even more excited when that bird turned out to be a momma cardinal. I had seen the male cardinal in the bush over the weekend, and found the empty nest yesterday, but today there was the momma, sitting on a couple of eggs. Unfortunately, but the time I got home from work, the nest had been raided and one of the eggs had been thrown to the ground and broken. One more egg is left, but I have a feeling that it will also end up on the ground. The same thing happened last year, but I never saw what birds had built the nest and didn't know what they were. A pair of robins ended up moving in after that, and laid their eggs and had their babies. I'm not sure who the culprit is that is raiding the nest - another animal that wants the eggs, or another bird that wants the nest. I just know I'm pretty sad to think that we won't have any cardinal babies.

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