Photo 233 - May 13
And all good things must end... It was a great trip to San Diego, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Kayla and Kenn and their family. It was very special to be there to help welcome Evelyn into the world, and do what I could to help out for those first few days, and I was sad to have to head home today.
I try to avoid flying through Chicago's O'Hare Airport if I can help it, but today was one of those days where that was part of the best flight available. I actually have to say that this is the best trip I've taken through Chicago. Everything was on time, and the trip was uneventful. I did have to do a little bit of walking when I got in - I arrived at Concourse B, in Terminal 1, but my connection left out of Concourse E, in Terminal 2. There was some nice scenery along the way, including some youth artwork painted on the windows connecting the terminals. I actually went back to take the pictures after I found my gate and knew I had enough time. I was pretty impressed with what they were able to capture.
My grass also became a hayfield when I was gone. I made special time to cut the front and sides, but ran out of time to cut the back. After 3 1/2 hours, I finally got through it. It was not what I was looking forward to doing right after walking in the door.