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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Name me...

Photo 251 - May 31

No, I don't just take pictures of birds while I'm sitting at my desk, although Cindy and I are pretty entertained by what we see out the window. Today was momma and baby bird day, which I was not able to capture. The fat little babies, which are bigger than the mommas, spent lots of time today squacking and yelling to be fed. I did capture this bird, which could use identification. I told Cindy I was going to throw it out to my "identification squad," who has been instrumental in naming the birds that we're not sure of.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Late Irises

Photo 250 - May 30

When I planted this iris last year, I had no clue that one, it would be as big as it is - the plant and the flowers - or that it would be as absolutely gorgeous as it is. I'm so happy it's a late bloomer, so the poor little short iris that lives behind it gets a chance to bloom before it appears and totally overshadows it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Another of my weekend projects

Photo 249 - May 29

Once again this year, I am taking a stab at planting a garden. While I was digging it up, my neighbor behind me asked me if I was expanding my garden. I laughed and told her that no, I was just trying to find it. The weeds seem to grow perfectly fine in this little plot of ground, so I'm hoping my beans and tomatoes do half as well. I still need to get some pepper plants - especially jalapenos - so I can make Dale some more salsa. There are three jars here waiting for him. They are way too hot for me to even think about opening.

And this one's for you, Kayla. Remember the rose bush we picked up in Kenosha when you were pregnant with Josephine? Look at it now - lush, green and loaded with blossoms.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Photo 248 - May 28

Happy Memorial Day...and thank you to all of our military members, past and present. I am very proud to have so many military connections. But it's days like this that really make me miss Dale.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Photo 247 - May 27

Ask anybody who knows me, and one of my pet peaves before Dale left was that he was using my living room coffee table as his "office" and it was constantly covered in paperwork relating mostly to the boat. Well, Dale, look at what I made for you! Your very own workspace! Your computer will still work on my coffee table, but it will no longer be allowed to live there. It will now have its very own home to go back to. I'm in the process of looking for some destop accessories for you, so it will be even better by the time you get back home!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Photo 246 - May 26

I've been having fun getting new things for the house. I have been told it's about time, since everything hanging on the walls has pretty much been there since we moved here in 1991. And some of it came with us from South Dakota, so it could date back to 1984. So, yeah, I guess a little updating was in order. I am taking a little flack for some of my color choices, but for the most part, I don't think they are too hideous. I do, however, have a problem with the prices they get for artwork, decorations, and the like, so I tend to shop sales, or just comparison shop until I find the best price. My Partylite representative has an online store, where she has clearance items, and I couldn't help but buy this when I saw it on her website. Besides the fact that it was heavily discounted, it just looked really pretty. And the pictures definitely did not do it justice, nor does the picture I'm posting. I can only capture part of'll just have to see it in person.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Photo 245 - May 25

It was a good thing I emptied the candy dish on my desk and wanted to fill it before Cindy gets back from vacation. If I hadn't run to Walgreens at lunchtime, I would have totally missed the awesome memorial at Webster Middle School. It makes a very powerful statement, and creates a myriad of emotions.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Photo 244 - May 24

I can honestly say that when I ordered my first rose bush, I had entirely no clue what I was doing or what I was ordering. I learned the hard way when I got a rose bush that was not quite ready to live in the Wisconsin climate and also was grafted on to some other root stock. When the top died, all that was left was the root, and it certainly was not what I had planted in the first place. After much researching, I have gotten better at picking bushes that are more suited to growing here, and my emphasis has been on English roses, German roses and Buck roses, which are tested in the cold fields of Iowa. If they can survive winter out there, they are pretty hardy. This year's order showed up on my doorstep today - 10 rose bushes just in time for planting on the long Memorial Day weekend. If my plans work out correctly, I will have my three coats of varnish on the woodwork, so Kayla's room can go back together this weekend too. One step closer to project completion!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Photo 243 - May 23

I love things with stories...the history of something tends to make it that much more interesting. I love things that have been handed down from generation to generation. Even some of my flowers have stories. This is a peony bush that lives on the southeast corner of our house. Before it was mine, it belonged to Dale's mom. In one of their moves, she really didn't want to leave it behind, and since Dale and I were the only ones living in a permanent house when they moved, she gave it to me. It has gotten absolutely huge, and seems to come up bigger every year. The flowers are deep red, with bright yellow centers, and the smell they give off is absolutely wonderful. I smile and think about Dale's mom every year when they bloom.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

OK, Jess - name that bird!

Photo 242 - May 22

The last bird photo that I needed identified was well taken care of by Kayla's friend Jessica. Today I got another one that I'm not sure of. It's very pretty - red patch on it's breast, and black and white. It wasn't very cooperative about hanging out in the sunshine so I could take some good pictures, but I did get a couple that are not too bad.

With all of the baseboards I've done so far, I'm actually getting good at it. I cut all the wood for Kayla's room in just one night, plus Jeff came down and trimmed up the door frame for me. Tomorrow night will be drilling, sanding, and hopefully staining. And this time I'm going to stay away from the splinters! The last time I stained it took me 2 1/2 weeks to get it out.

Monday, May 21, 2012

How big was that bird?

Photo 241 - May 21

I have seen the blue jays come in and totally rock the shepherd hook that Cindy has her bird feeder hung on. But this morning, the entire feeder was on the ground. So either it was a huge bird, or the deer decided they weren't getting enough food with it hanging on the hook, so knocked it to the ground for a better target. Regardless, I might have to find some food and go rehang it. A week is a long time for the little flying pigs to be without their filled up feeder.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Photo 240 - May 20

Today was a special day at St. John, as two of our young people reaffirmed their baptism through confirmation. The last couple of years the kids have been writing sermons based on a bible verse they have chosen, and I love to hear what they have to say, as it embodies what they've learned and how they perceive their faith. God's Blessings to Alex and to Kayla!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Photo 239 - May 19

So...what do you suppose was going on, that this young man needed to be on the roof of the garage? I was getting ready to sit down to dinner with Jeff, Andy and Laura, and this is what was happening behind us. I'm sure they wondered what I was doing when I started taking pictures. There were kids on the ground and the one on the roof - and I'm sure they were just being kids. My kids tell stories of what they did on Jeff's garage roof - at least this one wasn't jumping off.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Something's hungry

Photo 238 - May 18

When I left for California, everything in my garden looked pretty healthy and was coming up really well. When I got back, some hungry critter decided that my hollyhock plants were very tasty and basically mowed them down to the ground. They're starting to throw out some new shoots, but I don't know if they'll truly recover. Something also took out an entire brand new shoot that one of my rose bushes sent up. I hope it found some nasty thorns.

I also starting building a platform for the new fountain, to try to make it a little more visible. Jeff came down and took a look and we both think that maybe one course higher would be better. So that's one of my projects for the weekend. There are lots of projects for the weekend, so hopefully I can get to them all. I keep looking at the calendar and realizing that I am seriously running out of time before Dale gets home.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Focus found!

Photo 237 - May 17

Finally! I'm not sure why I couldn't get the focus right on the clematis the last time I shot it, but this time it turned out pretty much just how I wanted it. I'm thinking I'm getting pretty close to a good start for photos to hang in the living room. Now I just need Dale to chime in about what he likes...and unfortunately that will probably be harder than taking the pictures.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

For Dale

Photo 236 - May 16

Dale wasn't nearly as excited as I was when I told him I bought this fish fountain for him. We had bought a fountain a couple of years ago for the garden, but the pump keeps getting plugged and it doesn't "fountain" quite the way it's supposed to. This one is copper, and very close to the ground. I think I'm going to try to build a platform for it with some of the leftover landscaping rocks. Otherwise I think my flowers might just swallow it up.

Cindy texted me while I was out with Kayla and sent me a picture of our new resident turkey hen. She said it had come up to the bird feeder right outside the window by my desk while I was gone. Today it was cruising through the side yard. It didn't come all the way up to the house, but close enough to be able to see it. I keep hoping that it will mosey in a little closer.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Flowers

Photo 235 - May 15

The one thing that I found out when I came back from California, is that I have lots more different flowers blooming! So that gave me an opportunity to get out the macro lens and shoot a few more for possible living room pictures. I am going to have to try to reshoot my clematis, because I couldn't seem to get that one to come into focus, and it is way too cool to not try again.

And thank you, Jessica, for identifying my bird from yesterday's blog as the Western Meadowlark! I've already sent the information to the office!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Name that bird...

Photo 234 - May 14

Cindy and I get to see a lot of wildlife outside of our workspace windows, and most of it we are able to easily identify. But the bird we saw today stumped both of us. It's very striking, with the yellow throat and breast, and it seems to like to pose to make sure it shows off its colors. But we are going to need to do some research to figure out what exactly it is.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Back to Wisconsin

Photo 233 - May 13

And all good things must end... It was a great trip to San Diego, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Kayla and Kenn and their family. It was very special to be there to help welcome Evelyn into the world, and do what I could to help out for those first few days, and I was sad to have to head home today.

I try to avoid flying through Chicago's O'Hare Airport if I can help it, but today was one of those days where that was part of the best flight available. I actually have to say that this is the best trip I've taken through Chicago. Everything was on time, and the trip was uneventful. I did have to do a little bit of walking when I got in - I arrived at Concourse B, in Terminal 1, but my connection left out of Concourse E, in Terminal 2. There was some nice scenery along the way, including some youth artwork painted on the windows connecting the terminals. I actually went back to take the pictures after I found my gate and knew I had enough time. I was pretty impressed with what they were able to capture.

My grass also became a hayfield when I was gone. I made special time to cut the front and sides, but ran out of time to cut the back. After 3 1/2 hours, I finally got through it. It was not what I was looking forward to doing right after walking in the door.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Photo 232 - May 12

Today brought back lots of memories of soccer tournaments in the past, when Laura, Kayla and James were the ones out on the field. Today it was Kenny's team, and they made it all the way to the semi-finals, where they lost 1-0 in the final 30 seconds. It was hard for them to lose - they had an entire season with no losses, and this was their first. They played great games!

And then we decided to try to shoot some family pictures. Josephine is your typical 2-year-old - if you want her to do something she just flat out refuses. And Evelyn is too little to be mad at when she doesn't cooperate. It was not the shoot we were looking for, but not terribly unexpected. By the last few pictures all we could do was laugh.