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Friday, May 18, 2012

Something's hungry

Photo 238 - May 18

When I left for California, everything in my garden looked pretty healthy and was coming up really well. When I got back, some hungry critter decided that my hollyhock plants were very tasty and basically mowed them down to the ground. They're starting to throw out some new shoots, but I don't know if they'll truly recover. Something also took out an entire brand new shoot that one of my rose bushes sent up. I hope it found some nasty thorns.

I also starting building a platform for the new fountain, to try to make it a little more visible. Jeff came down and took a look and we both think that maybe one course higher would be better. So that's one of my projects for the weekend. There are lots of projects for the weekend, so hopefully I can get to them all. I keep looking at the calendar and realizing that I am seriously running out of time before Dale gets home.

1 comment:

  1. let me know if you need help. Happy to be of assistance.
