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Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's Recycle Day!

Photo 48 - November 10

Yes! It's recycle day! But there was still not enough room in the recycle bin - you can see the other bag of shredded paper up next to the garage. I'm afraid in another 2 weeks I will have more than will fit...again. All I can do is hope that I run out of paper to shred and cardboard to stack.

This was another experiment on shooting in the dark, and I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out. I have a number of lights in my gardens, and this mosaic one is in the tiers as you come up to the back gate. I actually had to expose it for 30 seconds in order to get the shot. But the result is pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. nice truck would be nice to see the whole thing though
