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Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...

Photo 170 - March 11

What a true statement! One step forward - I finished the living room woodwork! Nailed in the last of the quarter round and baseboards this afternoon, and what a good feeling that was. But in order to bring the furniture back in, the legs need to have something soft on them so they don't scratch the floor. I was not happy to find that some critter decided it wanted to chew up one of the living room chairs - probably mice looking for someplace warm. On the bright side, when we bought the furniture, for some reason, they gave us one extra cushion cover - saying something about maybe wanting to make pillows out of it. Well we never made pillows, and the cushion cover has been living on the top shelf of the hall closet. I was happy to see that the furniture isn't so faded that it will look totally out of place, either. I'm just hoping that the upholsterer in Saukville won't charge too much to replace it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Are you sure it's not still in there? Cause there could be a whole bunch more by the time you get back home!
